Kamis, 14 Desember 2017

Asking for and Giving Clarification

Asking for and giving clarification is the expression of asking and giving explanations / descriptions.
There are several examples of expressions that can be used to ask for clarification.

1. Asking for clarification


· I beg your pardon but I don't quite follow / understand.

· Pardon me.

· Can / Could / Would you repeat that again, please?

· I wonder if you could say that in a different way?


· Do you think we could / Can we / go over that again?

· Would you mind repeating that?

· Would you mind saying that again?

· Sorry, but I'm not sure I'm following you.

· Excuse me, but I didn't catch the last part / the part about...

· I'm sorry, but what did you say about...?

· Do you think you could repeat the part about...once again please?


· I didn't / don't get that.

· What was that?

· You lost me.

· What did you say?

· Again, please.

· Say that again.

· I don't get it.

· I'm lost / confused.

· What?

· Huh?

2. Giving clarification

· This is what I mean.

· Well, what I m trying to say is that …

· What I mean is …

· The point is …

· Let me say in other words.

sumber :http://fridusyansenlotuk.blogspot.co.id/2011/11/asking-for-and-giving-clarification.html

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